In Memory of Chum
In December, 2018, a native of Granite county (Bob Sanders), suggested on the Facebook group “I grew up in Philipsburg” that it would be fun to name all the nicknames known to the group but not identify the real name. Within a matter of a couple of weeks there were almost 400 names given. As the days went by names continued to be submitted.
We know there was a tee-shirt sold for one of the Flint Creek Valley Days with a number of nicknames but at this time I have not viewed one of these shirts.
Since the nicknames have been provided we have attempted to find out the given name and story behind each nickname. Obviously this will be a work in progress as some people are not able to recall the story.
During the past most nicknames were usually accepted lovingly and not considered bullying or derogatory, which is not the case in this politically correct generation. So this article is published with the intent to inform and with great care to not embarrass or intimidate anyone or use obscene or derogatory names. Any person who asked their nickname not to be published were respected for that wish.
I reviewed historical articles and added all of the nicknames found from the early history also.
Group A
Aeagle-- Jimmy Howard, because he had difficulty pronouncing the word eagle.
Angel Boy
Ajax-John Michael Courtney; named by Scott from Ajax Nerd in the Driver Ed film.
A.R.- Senator Allan R. Dearborn. He was also a Pharmacist at Doe’s Drugstore in 1888-1911. (1856-1915)
Archie-Eddy Moore
Ashtray-George Andrews was a Pastor’s son and lived in the ‘Burg about 1963-64. He had a flat-top haircut and an “upper classman” chose to stub his cigarette out on the flat top…thus the name ashtray.
Group B
Babs-Barbara Miller
Baldy-Larry Baldwin
Barney Fife- Art Achershot when he was the Town policeman
Barney- Clyde Pickett who played Santa Claus from 1950’s to 1970’s
Barney- Patrick Dougherty a miner that owned a lot of property on Ross’ Fork of Rock Creek on the road to Medicine Lake (!851-1916)
Barry-Joe Carnahan
Basco-Don Schroeder
Beaner-Regina Leistko
Bear aka Teddy bear- Barry Benson
Bear-Gene Salois
Beaver-Steve Immenschuh
Beck-Rebecca Hess, because her mother was also Rebecca
Beetle-Lee Page Jr. (1940-2018)
Beeler-Joe Braach
Bert-George Schoonover
Bert-Robert Gillies rancher on Rock Creek 1871-1930
Bessie-Doy (George) Winninghoff when he and Carroll Huffman (Jessie) spent time on Rock Creek
Bessie- Elizabeth Butler
Bessie- Elizabeth Sprague McRae, mother of Beth (Elizabeth) McRae Winninghoff.
Beth-Elizabeth McRae Winninghoff (1907-1998)
Bibs-Eugene Noreen
Big Bill-Bill Schneider
Big Daddy- Frank Winninghoff (1861-1941)
Big Jake- Steve Jacobson
Big June- Mrs. Al Unger who was way smaller in stature than Little June Mrs. John Unger.
Big Mac- Angus Alexander McDonald usually called A.A. Was Mayor of Philipsburg and owner of the McDonald Opera House with his wife Susie.(1842-1910)
Big Pete-P.H. McDonald (1851-1926)
Big Vic-A miner At ?
B.J.-Barbara Jean McLeod
Black Jack- Mike Conn from Hall who wrote an English Composition paper on a gambling episode with a man named Black Jack.
Blackie- Fritz Leuck who was sheriff in 1952 and 1953 and had jet black hair and mustache.
Blacky-Ned Neu because of his hair and mustache.
Blinky-Cal Mazza
Bobcat-T.R. “Bus” Hess (1922-2011)
Boiled Pine Squirrels-Bob Munis
Booger-Justin Braach
Boom Boom-Leslie Smith when she was dating Alan Boomer
Boom Boom-Jackie Boomer
Boomer –Jim Lane because of his booming voice.
Boomer-John Roseboom
Bone-Chuck David Williams
Breaker by the Acre- Bill Baker
Brocky-Fred C. Barocco a Stone Mason that worked on Georgetown Dam. He lived his later years with Spasse Wacheff until Spasse died. (1878-1963)
Brooklyn- “Brook” and “Brookie” Tom Schneider
Brother-Lee Page II
Bubble head-Gordon Owsley
Bucko- K.L. Staninger owner of Eagle Canyon Ranch
Bucky-Lyle Graham
Buckshot- Art Achershot
Bud-Colleen Rose
Bud- Ernie Mc Laughlin
Bud Joe Kau
Buddy- Bud Braach
Buddy- William Hunter
Bugs- Terry Mickey
Buggy- Terry Mickey
Buggy-Bobby Tucker
Bulldog- John Kennedy Olson because of his features and feisty demeanor
Bullfrog- Martha Bohrnsen Brandon after the song “Freddie and the Bullfrog.”
Bull Trout-George Mungas
Bum-Jack Byam
Bumbo-Bernard LeRoy
Bumps-Bill Butler
Bumbler- Bob Lane
Bumpster- Jack Byam “The Bum when he fell into the Dumpster”
Bunny- Delores Carey Furham
Bus- T.R. Hess, shortened from nickname Buster when he was a toddler. Named after his grandfather. (1922-2011)
Buster-George W. Metcalf
Buster- Forest Merrifield lived by Porter’s Corner and drove the Rock Creek School Bus route. (1919-1974)
Butch-Bob Untinen
Butch-Richard Johnson (1950’s)
Buzzard Queen-Jean Breeden who owned the Hungry Buzzard Bar after it was the Silver Tavern. She was also called Mean Jean and was married to David McRae for a short time.
By Golly- Tommy Churchwell the town Barber
Group C
Cabbage- Ed Lawry
Cactus-Jack Courtney
Canner Joe-Sid Willis who picked up all the dead animals and sold the meat to the cannery for dog food and the hides to Pacific Fur.
Carbide- Wilbur Storer brother of Oliver (Poot)
Captain-John G, McLean (1830-1919)
Captain-Larry Veis
Captain Cape-Duane Cape who was a Captain in the Army in Vietnam.
Captain Video-Tom Guck
Cart- Clarence Hamilton half brother of Roy Hamilton
Cat-Dave McRae
Ceal-Cecilia Lyon Haggard
Carebear-Carey Aidy (?)
Charger- Brian Challinor
Chauchy-Chris Goldsby
Cheeseburger-Bob Harris
Cheeseburger- Johnny Welch
Chick-Susan Kreig
Chicken Coop- Henry ? who stole chickens during the depression and served time in jail for it.
Chief-Bill Metesh
Chili-Howard Naef
Chipmunk-James Maehl
Choop-Chris Godkin/Boydston
Chrome Dome-Loren Luthje after he lost his hair
Chuck—Charles McLure III
Chuck-Charles E. Metcalf
Chuckles-Chuck (Charles) Houtz
Chum- Jerry Churchwell name used by his dad Tommy
Chunk-Doug Benson
Circus Jim- James L. Hollenbeck who worked at the Puller Ranch on Rock Creek. He died from complications of a stab wound received at the Rupp /Greenheck Slaughter house in 1910.
Cleve-Cleveland A. Metcalf (1889-1972)
Clevie-Cleveland R. Metcalf (1920-1961)
Clod Ankle-Kenny Mehr
Clyde-Shannon D. Heimark
Coach Cleats-David Metesh
Coke-Tony Kulaski
Compressor-Tom Page when working at the Taylor and Knapp Mill
Conklin-“Conk” Dan Schneider CooCoo-Bruce Mason
Cookie- Joan Webster Morrison wife of Dan
Cookie-Susanne Morrison wife of Earl Goodsell
Cord-Larry Bowen
Corky- Harry G. Bentz Jr. because no one wanted to call him junior.
Corky- Gary Haile named by his Grandfather Carroll Huffman from the cartoon Gasoline Alley. Cowboy Joe-Joe Johnson taught kids how to count and say other things in Spanish.
Crab Apple-Jack Carico who ate anything he found in his traps. Lived on what later became the Fred Splitt then Lyon Place located right before Uncle Tom’s Cabin/Dance Hall on Middle Fork. Feuded when drunk with his room-mate Harry Smith re-fighting the Civil-War as Crab Apple was from the South and Harry from the north. They would hang from their saddles and shoot over the horses at each other as the horses raced across the field. He ran barefoot in forty below Zero weather to the Sandin ranch when he woke up from one of their drunks to find Harry froze to death. His family sent him money every year to come east to visit and he would make it too Butte then turn back home. One year he went further and died on the train (probably in the 30’s). No death records have been found (Stories from T.R. ‘Bus” Hess)
Cucumber-? Joe Costello
Curley- Dan Carlin
Group D
Dan-Andrew Glover married Rosella Carnegie and they ran the County Farm and Poor-House
Dana Banana-Dana Gibson (Vincent)
Dan-Herman Crowly
Deacon-Delbert Yardly
Dee-Delores Dunkerson
Dee Dee-Dorothy Crnevich
Deebert-Dee Schroeder
Dettle-Dan McKenzie, His twin brother died shortly after birth; son of Toasty and Anna Mason and brother of Rod.
Dewey-Kevin Learn
Diamond Bill-Bill Hansen who owned Hansen Core Drilling
Dicker- Richard Metesh
Dingo-David Kroger
DK-Donna Kay Morrison
Doc-Josiah Merrell Philipsburg Merchant and Investor.(d.1913)
Doc-John P. Cunningham MD
Doe-Dorothy LeRoy Moran Owens (see Dot below)
Doe Doe-Doris Metesh
Dogman-David Riggs
Dolly-Dorothy M. (August 29, 1915-July 6, 2001) married to Leland Page Sr.
Dooley- Adolph Andre
Dot- Dorothy LeRoy Moran Owens owned a Soda Fountain by the White Front in the “50-60’s
Double or Nothing-B.G. Paige
Doughnut-Louis Mehr
Doy and Do-ey-George Winninghoff worked with brothers Heck and Heinie at Winninghoff Motors until he bought the Greenheck ranch on Flint Creek (1897-1986)
Duckboy-Rick Reh
Dunk- Duncan McRae
Dunk-Sheriff Scott Dunkerson
Dutch- Margery Winninghoff Metesh
Group E
Eddie Spaghetti-Ed Roseboom
Egg Tycoon-Curtis Smith when he had a massive egg production company
Ego-John Howard
Elmer-Louis Salois
Elroy-Ron Graham
Emersome-Karen Anderson
Ernie-Brett Hamilton
Group F
Falcon-Dave Metesh
Fan-Frances Titus Harrington McKenzie County Historian (1881-1961)
Father Edgar- Tim Edgar
Fat Pat-Pat Tatlinger
Fats-Guy Kneale
Festus-Paul Coble
Festus Vince Fessler
Fet- Winnifred Sandin Bentz Bauer
Fink-Tim Mickey
Finn-Harold Marjamaa
Fish- Edward Morrison
Fish-Tammy Schneider
Fisher Jack from the Hogback- Joseph Case who was nursed back to health from Typhoid Fever by Annie Morgan on her homestead which is now a Forest Service cabin on Lower Rock Creek. (1846-1930)
Flash-Spencer Huffman
Flap jack-Jack Minkler
Flintstone-Robert Maehl
Flip-Van Neitz
Flossie –Florence Morrison McCale
Fog Horn- Neil McDonald because of his deep voice. he was over fifty when he joined the Canadian Military because the US said he was too old. He died 1923 and was the father of Hugh J., Axel and Mrs. Hugh S. McDonald.
Foghorn-Tom Schneider
Foof-Justin Flahuarty
Fosdick-Bobby LeRoy
Foxie-Herman Lindstadt who owned the Granite Garage and sold Overland cars (1916), located across from the Hospital and next to Mrs. Chantry on Sansome. He and wife May VanNorman had Irene (Parker) and Connie who married Ed Kahoe, thus it became the Kahoe Garage
Frankie-Frances Porter Merrifield
Fred-Robert Maehl
Freddy-Robert Maehl
Freddy-Spencer Huffman
Freddy the freeloader- Carroll Huffman
Frenchy-DuWayne Forgette brother of Lorraine Forgette Barney and Fern Forgette Nicolaysen-Metcalf
Fritz-Dwayne White
Frosty-Wally Frost School Janitor
Fudd-Elmo Coblenz
Fuzz Buzz-Russ Morrison .
Group G
Garr- Mary Morrison an Licensed Practical Nurse and midwife to the community in the 50’s (1872-1964)
Geek-Harold Evans
George-Ky Morrison
Godfrey-Mel Wattula
Goldie-Theodora Stevens Crossman Delp because she was a natural platinum blonde
Goldie- Golda Davis McCale Webb
Griz aka teddy bear-also Papa Bear- Bill Bayer then Doug Bayer
Grizz-Scott Courtney; named by Coach Sullivan and shortened from Grizzly Bear
Goldfish-worked at the Dorothy’s Café as a Cook and always looked out the window
Gomer-Gary Morrison
Gonk- Algonquin Mine
Goober-David Metesh
Goose-Don Dee Kennedy
Goosem-Harry A. Featherman (1867-1954) Granite County Treasurer 1906-1910.
Grasshopper-Louie Salois
Gus- Angus McDonald (Sheriff two different times)
Group H
Hambone-Kell Hamilton
Hammerin’ Hank-Hank West who worked at Winninghoff Garage
Hands- Jackie Gall
Happy Jack-Jack Turney owned a service station across from the Andre house and where the City Hall now is.
Heck- Francis (Frank) X. Winninghoff who owned Winninghoff Motors with brother Heinie (1892-1956)
Heinie- Edward Robert Winninghoff who owned Winninghoff Motors with brother Heck (1906-1997)
Hickory Nuts-Clyde Gregory who was shot and killed in the Thirsty Dog Saloon
High Pockets-Miles Williams
Hole in the head- hired hand that worked for Dr. Nesbit and had an indentation in his skull
Honest Ron-Ron Anderson
Hoople-Ralph Harris and Tom Harris
Hoot-Harvey Bauer as an adult because he wore a hat like Hoot Gibson
Horse-Tom Carlin; Tim Carlin
Hot Wheels-Kell Hamilton
Huck-Everett and Tommy Finn
Huck-Larry White who married Vickie Morgan
Huey-Barry Carnahan
Group I
Itch-Edwin T. Irvine was unable to pronounce Ichabod Crane correctly when reading "Legend of Sleepy Hollow" in school and called him Itchabod so was forever referred to as Itch.
Ironhead-Randy Larson
Group J
Jack-Gordon Mitchell (1898-1942)
Jack-John E. Heimark
Jack-Louis Sandin
Jake-LeRoy Jacobson
Jarhead-Dave Jardine
Jeep- Bill Fischer who owned the Pintler Hotel in the 70’s. He was with a group camping. During the night they thought a jeep was coming through their camp then realized it was Fischer snoring so named him Jeep.
Jessie-Carroll Huffman when he and George (Doy) Winninghoff were on Rock Creek
Jo-Jo- Joseph Metesh (1958-1975)
Jughead-Hugh Carlin
June Bug-June Collins Saurers
June Bug-June Sanders
Judge-Wally Olsen was named that by “Mushy” and it came from “Drunk as a Judge.”Wally drank a lot and when he was doing the two steps forward and three steps back, Mushy would holler out “Here comes the Judge.”
Judge-Hugh T. Cumming who owned the Moore Hotel in Granite and was the State Representative for Granite County 1908-1910; the Justice of the Peace of Elk Precinct and Mayor of Drummond. (1857-1948)
Group K
Katie-Catherine McDonald Lindstadt (1885-1945)
Katsup-Shannon Heimark
Kawliga-Cleo LaValley named after the song “Kawliga Was a Wooden Indian”
Kay-Catherine Lindstadt Steber
Kettle Belly-Tiny Larson
Kermit- Phil McDonald
Kiamia-Ky Morrison after he and Larry had an encounter with some Black girls.
Kicky-Dick Johnson
Kicky-Rick Collins
Killer-Kevin Mason
Kook- Bill Kulaski because he was “Kooky”
Kook-Jeremy Mickey
Kooks-Gary Kulaski
Koopie-Maxine Ray Fessler
Ky-Colin Morrison
Group L
Laramia-Larry Morrison after he and Ky had an encounter with some Black girls.
Laz-Sandra Lazetick (Watulla) when she was a High school teacher.
League of Nations-Mae Smith, Kammimura, Overly, Werning because of the various nationalities she married. Mae was the caretaker of Granite for many years and died there in 1969.
Lee-Leo George Metcalf (1881-1949)
Leebert-Lee Johnson
LeeLee-Rita Immenschuh
Legs-Shannon Clemons (Harding)
Lindy-Granville S. Rice
Lenie or Lennie –Jolene Yardley
Lightening-Mike Wininghoff (1951-1999)
Lip-Shannon Clemons (Harding)
Lip-Nancy Miller (Owens) when in school
Little Bit- Elizabeth Morrison
Little Blinkey-Tom Mazza
Little Eva-Eva Kurrti Bergamaschi Bentz LPN at the Hospital for many years
Little Greek-Young Bill Crncevich
Little June- June Unger married to John Unger a tall big boned blonde.
Lizzie-Elizabeth Hermann Crowley
Lo-ass-Lois Evans
Lockie-Lauchlin McDonald (1864-1941)
Loey-Lois Lindstadt McCarthy
Lonnie-Lonette Kulaski
Lornie- Herman Lawrence Hauck son of Herman and grandson of Lawrence, owners of the P’Burg Mail. (d.2011)
Lottie- Charlotte Irvine School Superintendent 1906-1928.
Lou-Louis Shodair Grocery store owner; Helena Shodair Hospital named after him
Louie-Scott Anderson
Louie-Louis Mann
Louie the Lobster-Scott Anderson
Little Mama- Theresa Iten Winninghoff (1863-1928)
Lum- Lawrence Wanderer owner with wife Lucille of the IGA grocery store
L.V. - Lavada Jean Bridgewater
LV-Larry Veis sexton at the cemetery
Group M
Ma-Marlene Andre (Chor)
Mac-Dan McLeod sheriff of Granite County 1912-1916.
Mac-Ralph R. McLeod developer of Macville now known as Maxville because postal service mis-spelled the name.
Machine Gun Charlie-Charlie Cyr
Mable-Tom Mazza
Maggie- Margaret Duffy Connors Sanders (1882-1935)
Maggie Denny-Margaret Denise Haile McDonald
Maggot- Bruce Mason after he returned from military service
Magpie-also Mag- Al Morrison
Magpie-Maggie McDonald
Major-Hugh O’Neil (Sutler) These men contracted with the Military as teamsters in the 1800’s
Major-William Graham (Sutler) “ Intellect and Pioneer Miner.
Major-John W. Morse (Sutler) “
Mamo-Marion Hauck
Mamo-Jane O’Neil Hickey who cared for many during the Diptheria outbreak when she lost three daughters at Granite.
Mannie-Mary Anne Morrison
Ma P. -Dora Huffman Penington High school teacher and principal for four generations.
Marlo-Rico Barkell
Maroon Saloon- a car
Mary-Mae Winninghoff (1915-1980)
Mason-Justin Mason
Max- Michael Norris who lived in Maxville
McDugged-Doug Morrison
McGurk-Pat Carlin
Mean Jean-Jean Breeden owner of the Hungry Buzzard Tavern after it was the Silver Tavern; also known as Buzzard Queen.
Meme- Marian F. Lindstadt Morrison wife of Donald (1915-1973)
Michael-Melchoir Kaiser Owner of the Kaiser House
Mickey-Gayle Morrison Hobaugh
Mollie-Mary Metcalf-(1887-1984)
Molly-Emily Petrovski
Monk-Lawrence Olson named because of his stature
Monk-George Mungas
Montana Pete-Pete Byam
Moocher-Matt McCale
Moose-Jack Hamilton
Moose Lake Johnson- Martin Johnson (1862-1941) miner and hunting guide around Moose Lake who had a pet moose named Bosco.
Mouse-Rona McOmber
Mr. Bill-Bill Hellman
Mr. Green Jeans- “Sparky” Arthur White when he was the school janitor
Mrs. Murphy-Tom Page in older years
Mumbles-Both Jimmie Howard and son Jimmie Howard
Munk-James Maehl shortened from Chipmunk
Munie- John Munis
Murphy-Merv Graham
Mushy-Bruce Mason
Murtz-David Munis
Group N
Nabber-Nick Munis Sherriff
Nattie- Ernest Mazza
NATO-Art Degenhart
Nez Perce Jones-J.H. Jones who was involved in the McKay Gulch Massacre in July 1978. His three miner companions were killed by the Nez Perce Indians and Jones escaped by running to Mr. Baldy (Mt. Amerine [Emerine]) then back to the Schuh Ranch and into Philipsburg to warn the town. (1844-1926)
Nickle Harvey- Harvey Baurer who as a child would sell his dog to people for a nickel then go around the corner and call the dog. He made the mistake of selling the dog to a rancher one day and the rancher tied the dog to his wagon and took off. Harvey went running to Sheriff McLeod crying. The sheriff tracked down the rancher and bought the dog back for Harvey.
Nickle Nose- Adolph Andre
Noisey- Lawrence Norris because he was so quiet
Noonie- Anne Marie Budel
Group O
Oakie-Harold Sanders
Ollie-Norman Sichveland
Ole-Olaf Sandin (1890-1946)
Oly Joe-Joe Callahan
Oreo- John F. Winninghoff named by Nancy Miller Owens when eating large amounts of Oreo cookies. He told his children it was because all he brought for camping was Oreo cookies. (1945-2001)
Ozzie- Oswald Christensen (1911-1982)
Group P
Paddy- Patrick Ward who owned the Senate Mine near Moose Lake
Palm Beach- cleaned the Pool Hall When Nesbit’s owned it.
Papa Smurf-Harold Evans
Parsnips-Bob Munis
Pat- John McDonald
Pat-Martin Winninghoff (1905-1986)
Patsy-Emily Kidder (Haacke)
P dingle-John P. Cunningham M.D.
Pee Wee- Charles Crossman
Pedro-Mark Metesh
Peg Leg- ? Donaldson
Peg leg-John Luthje
Pelican-Joe Costello
Penny Poop-Penny Haile Forney
Perd- P.W. Merrifield
Perp-Richard Davis
Pinecat-Elmer Lamprey a ranch hand who lived west of City Hall.
Pinhead-Leo Graham
Pinky- Leonard Eik Named because his Mom washed his white football uniform with a red sweater, so he had to play with a pink uniform the rest of the year.
Piston Queen-Sue Sanderson
Poncho- William Rogan son of Olga Terkla Rogan Minster
Poncho- Ricky Morgan, brother of Barbara Morgan Brown (class of 1975)
Pop Eye-Leland Hadley Page Sr. (August 31, 1911-April 12. 1994)
Polock Kid-Steve Graham
Porkchop-LeRoy Owens
Postmaster Pete- “Pete” John W. Winninghoff (1904-1972)Was postmaster and owned the Original Sweet Palace Candy Store and then Goode Shop Restaurant and Floral Shop on East Broadway.
Potlicker-Scott Davis
Poot- Oliver Storer and Carbide’s brother; sisters were Stella Holt, Margie Carlin and ?
Poot-Bruce Mason
Poot-Larry Morrison
Professor-Steve Sorenson
Puddin’- Margery Metesh (1956-1994)
Pump Handle-Bill McLean
Putt Putt was also Tarzan- Lawrence “Sonny” Werning a man with probably Parkinson known then as “St. Vidas dance”
Group Q
Group R
Rabbit-Bobby Neitz
Rabbit-Clyde Gregory
Rainbow- Charles Gall who owned the Rainbow Inn located on the old Gregson Highway east of Anaconda
Randy-Eileen Heimark Baile who has now legally changed her name to Randy. Sister of Rusty daughter of Ed and Wilma Hunt Heimark Christy.
Red- Elmer Swanson
Red-Mike Carr
Red Beard-Richard Johnson
Red Cooper-Walter Cooper was married to Bea Campbell; they had many children; he worked in the mines
Red Mack (Mac) –A.A. McDonald (1842-1910) Was mayor of Philipsburg and with his wife owned the McDonald Opera House
Rene- Lorene Metesh
Rhubarb-Randy Martin
Rick o’ Shea-Rick Sharkey
Rivet-Jim Miller because he always wore jeans with a bright copper rivet on the fly.
Rock- Frank Province Rancher on upper Rock Creek (1860-1931) in partner ship with Bert Gillies.
Rolly Eyes-Donny Harris
Rome-Romedius Saurer (1864-1925)
Rooster-John Howard
Rosie-Rose Marie Winninghoff
Roto Rooter-Rona McOmber
Roundo-Oliver Kingrey named by Bruce Mason
Roundo-Walter McLeod
Roy-Leroy Sprague (1881-1951)
Rubber Neck-Ben Owsley
Rugged-Doug Morrison
Runt-Bob Sanders named by Chuckie Houtz because of his small size when young.
Rusty- Russell Heimark, son of Wilma Hunt Christy and Ed Heimark and brother of Randy.
Dusty-David Heimark
Group S
Sage- George Hilborn
Sandbar-Frank D. Brown who received the nickname thusly: The Henry rifle, predecessor of the present Winchester had just come into use and Mr. Brown grabbed the first one off the boat. The Henry was brass bound, held 16 cartridges of .44 caliber, with one in the barrel, and rim-fire---the cartridges, not the barrel. Mr. Brown was traveling along innocent like near the Missouri River one gladsome summer day and was jumped by about 20 red brothers, all howling for ruddy gore and riding hell bent for a taste of it. Mr. Brown rode his horse across the river at a convenient ford, leading his pack horse. On the side where he came out was a long spit of sandbar reaching into the river and Mr. Brown rode up the sandbar to the bank, tied his horses and walked back to the open. Lo! The poor Indian had a cheerful habit of drawing the fire from the white man’s smoke stick and then charging in before he could reload; a very disconcerting habit and predicated upon the proposition that the white man had a single shot rifle and all necessary to success was to dodge the first bullet and then wade in. With 20 Indians coming across the river whooping Mr. Brown was to be made an example of the habit the repeating gun not figured in the performance as the first let a whoop and headed for the white man. But Mr. Brown was a different kind of medicine than the red brother had ever met in his scalping entertainments as he kept right on firing while Indians kept tumbling to the sandbar in a most disconcerting fashion--the charge broke up and the Indians headed for the other shore, with seven down and Mr. Brown still shooting for good measure. Then he untied his horses filled the magazine of the little Henry and went on his blithesome way. “Hell”, said Mr. Brown some time after in discussion of the incident when friends commented upon the inequality of 20 Indians to one white man “I could a kivered the whole damn sandbar if they’d just kept comin’!” And thereafter he was known as “Sandbar” Brown---and that is the kind of hairpin “Sandbar” Brown was in the days of real sport! He went on to mining, real estate and to be the Secretary and Historian of The Montana Pioneer Society.
Sandy-Angus A. McDonald brother of John J and Nephew of A.A (1862-1938)
Sandy-Kaye Evan Sanderson (Speed’s brother)
Sapphire King-Richard Stingle who had claims in Capron and Stoney Gulch in the 1890’s.
Sarch/Sarge- Phillip Sarsfield Carey (1873-1958) who owned a ranch on Trout Creek now known as the Bill Christensen Ranch (his nephew)
Scotty-Allen Morrison who was married to Marie Wickberg
Scowl Face-Roy Hamilton
Scrappy-Matt LaTray
Sealed Beam-worked at the Douglas Creek Mine
Shrimp-Monte Sanders Marker because he was so small in stature.
Shakey-Walter Phillips lived in Parkerville and had a small Park named after him.
Shenanigans-Shannon D. Heimark
Shooshie- Shirley Winninghoff
Short Cord-Bob Budel
Shorty-Lester Dean
Shorty-Jody Yelton
Shorty- Frank Province also known as Bert rancher with Gillies on upper Rock Creek.
Shrub-Gary Parks
Shrub-Travis Thomas
Sis- Clara Reynolds Adams
Sis- Mary Jane Lawry Johnson who was married to Walter “Tiny” Johnson
Silver King-Joe Metesh
Skeeter-Park McLure
Skillet-Jack Miller
Skimmy-Walter Norris who owned the Stone House north of Maxville
Skinner-Walter “Tiny” Johnson when he was the Science Teacher and had a crew cut. The students thought he might skin them alive if they got in trouble. “If they only knew-his bark was tougher than his bite” (daughter Sue Abbott)
Skip-Rod McKenzie
Skip and Skipper- Don Durand
Skipper- Gerald Barney who was married to Lorraine Forgette and became lost October 5, 1957. He died in the area between Middle Fork and Ross’ Fork in the Fish Lake area. He was found by Frank Haacke on October 13 about six miles from where Gerald had first began hunting.
Slim- Ernest Bronderslev
Slim Hambone- Felix Aiken who was a railroad enthusiast. The kids would sing "Hambone, Hambone where you been" and he would answer "Around the world and goimg again"
Slick Vic-Vicky Harding
Slud-Allen Lund
Smiley-Lynette Page
Smitty- George Smith
Smokey-George Sutherland who owned a ranch on West Fork of Rock Creek (1898-1964)
Snoz-Albert Bauer because of his nose
Sox- Albert Morrison (1899-1973)
Sparky- Arthur White who ran the service station on west broadway
Speck-Joiner Mickey
Speed-Alex Glover
Speed- (Young) Byron Sanderson
Speed- Elwyn Kingrey
Sponge-Bob Saurer
Sport-Bill Gallagher
Spud and Spudly-Gary Parks
Squeek Pearson-Gordon Ballard
Star- Estelle Neu Huffman
Star-Jay Kreig because of the Star on his brand of tennis shoes.
Stetson-San Brown because he always wore a cowboy hat.
Stretcher-Joe Braach
Stoney-Stonewall McGuire (Sheriff)
Stork-Dan Strahal
Stu-Stuart Chaney
Stu-Stewart Gray
Stu-Sue Sweeny
Stub-Frank N. Fessler who bought most of the rural school houses when the county rural schools were closed.
Stubby-Jacky Morrison after his brother (Doug) cut off his finger
Stubby- Lenard Delaware because of his size.
Stucco- Carl Maehl because of his building skills and passed down to his son Carl.
Studly-Steve Graham
Studebaker Bill- Bill Eckles
Stumptown- nickname of the town of Tower because the trees were cut for lumber to build the town but the stumps were never removed.
Stumptown-Walter Sanders who lived in Stumptown nicknamed to differentiate him from the Walter Sanders that owned the “Old Parks/Webb” ranch at the west end of Trail Gulch.
Sully-Mr. Sullivan the Music teacher for many years
Susie-Irene Norris Smith
Swanny- David Swanson
Swede-Leonard Swanson
Swede-Evald Olsen because of his nationality.
Swelter-Bruce Metcalf
Group T
Tata-Carol Huffman Haile
Taco-David Winninghoff
Tarzan also known as Putt-Putt – Lawrence “Sonny” Werning who suffered from Parkinson’s
Tater-Byran Butler
Tater Tots- Jodi or Leon Parks
T-Bone-John Welch
T.C-Terri Collins
Ted-Theodore Saurer (1921-2008)
TeDo- Patricia Metesh
Tex- Louis E. Crowley (1906-1996)
Tex-Eric Kenny
The Blonde Indian-Bonnie Fiddler
The Buffalo- Bill Kempfer
The Chisler- Adolph Andre
The Duke-Chauncey Kennedy
The Finn Falcon-Virgil Marjamaa
The Greek- Bill Crncvich who owned the bowling alley above the Antlers Bar
The Gwendolizer-GwenVise
The Indian-LeRoy Owens Pontiac (1957)
The Lush-Ronny Naef
The Sneakin Deacon-Delbert Yardly
The Stud duck-Jim Kistle
The Wop-Dennis Fortunati because he was Italian.
Thelma and Louise-Theresa Loobey and Carol Bohrnsen
T.J.- Terry Jo Vietor
Thunder-Bill Winninghoff (1943-2019)
Thunder-Tim Stephenson
Tickbeard-Mike Coble
Ticket Queen- Shirley Finn because of all the tickets she sold
Tiger- Lee Page II
Timmy Z-Tim Torres-Housel
Tin Grin-Spencer Huffman
Tiny- Walter Johnson who was not Tiny in build.
Tiny- Leon Lesly Larson who was not tiny in build
Tiny- ? McLaughlin who threw the bowling ball so hard that the pin setters left the back of the alley before he threw the ball for fear of being injured by flying pins.
Tizzy Lizzy- Jeanne (Mickey) Plima
Toad-DuWayne Forgette
Toph “Topher”-Christopher O’Grady
Tom-Winas T. Hull Rock Creek Rancher (1851-1928)
Tony-Marion Wickberg
Tracky-Lee Tracy
Tree- Thor Schiveland
Tricky Dick-Dick Tunstill
Tritone- a car
Tuffy- Elmer Beatman married Bea Fessler
Turkey-Terri Collins
Tuss- Lois Morrison
Two Bit Annie-Annie Cantaro
Group U
Uncle Jim-James McDonel first Mayor of Philipsburg. (1843-1927)
Uncle Tom- William T. Van Norman (1889-1982) owned the Dance Hall and picnic area just south of the West Fork Bridge on the Middle Fork of Rock Creek from 1929-1971. He also brought in income by trading in fur pelts, cowhides and deer hides with the local trappers and rancher.
Ugly Bug-Colleen Byam
Group W
Wad-John Hoehne
Wally- Waldo Haacke who later legally changed his name to Wally
Wally-Mark Williams
Wally-Wallace Frost
Wart Hog-Mr.George Hail a Math Teacher in the “70’s
Watson-George Mungas
Whimpey- Billy Churchwell was the brother of Tommy and lived and worked at Echo Lake.
Whisky Bill- William Terkla who died at the age of fifteen from an injury when struck by a bucking bronco at the Grade School Rodeo grounds on July 4th 1930.
Whitey-Mike Costello because of his platinum blonde hair
Whitey-Bob Williams
Whitey-Bob White
Wild Bill-Bill McCale because he loved to ride bucking horses. (1914-1987)
Wild Bill from Parkerville-Bill Hellman named at the age of two
Wildmeat-Davie Harris
Willow Creek Hippie- John Luthje
Willie-Wilma Hunt Heimark Christy
Window Joe-Joe Callahan who did windows and siding and painted cactus on the town buildings.
Wings-Lonette Kulaski
Word One-Tex Crowley
Wow-Dave Bowen
Wus-Leonard Bowen
Group Y
Ya Banjinia-Mark Housel
Yard Stick-Dan Yardley
Yo Yo-Yolanda Taylor
Group Z
Zeke-Vesper Judy who was a miner and owned a mine beginning in 1898 near what is now called “Zeke’s Meadow” on Ross’ Fork of Rock Creek. Killed in a cave-in at the Gonk in 1922.
Zelmo-Jim Beattie
Zip- Bryan Hynes (Sheriff)
Zip-Robert Steffan